Event Calendar
Mage Unconference Germany
Nov 01
- Nov 03
Someone once said: “An unConference is all about people.” Judith Andresen, Fabian’s mentor for anything regarding UnConferences, said that an unConference makes the coffee break a principle. There is nothing to add.
Okay, maybe just let us add two more aspects that shape this event:
- There are no previously selected speakers. On the day of the event, you decide what you are interested in and what you would like to talk about.
- We will have a lot coffee breaks. More precisely, the plan is to have a 45min session, followed by a 30min coffee break.
No speakers
We meet in the morning, collect contributions (talks, workshops, tutorials or discussions you can offer or moderate) and interests (topics you would like to hear about, learn or check out).
All topics are presented in a few sentences. If topics overlap or complement one another, we merge them, so it may happen that two contributions result in one session. These merges are often a great starting point for a discussion.
All attendees have two votes to give feedback on what they are interested in. The sessions with the most votes are selected to fill our time table.
Coffee breaks
We keep an eye on the clock and make sure that after each 45min session, we bring you all together for 30 minutes, so you can discuss the session you’ve just attended, talk about issues or ideas you have about Magento, drink a cup of coffee or have a little chit-chat with new and old friends.