Announcing Our First Title Partner: Paypal
The Magento Association is in residence this week at MagentoLive Europe here in Amsterdam. We kicked off day one by hosting our Get Involved! event along with a happy hour following Contribution Day, and we are available onsite at our booth in the Sponsor Marketplace.
As Gary Specter just mentioned onstage during the keynote,we are excited to announce our first Title Partner: PayPal! This is a dream come true for us, as PayPal has long supported Magento, Meet Magento, and the ecosystem around Magento. Today PayPal joins Adobe as the primary backers of the Association, and we will be working hand-in-hand with our colleagues at PayPal and Adobe in the coming months and years to ensure that the Meet Magento mission will continue and that the community around Magento will continue to thrive.
With PayPal's investment, we will soon launch a full-featured community website at supporting events,content and education. We will also be announcing our first platinum partners in the coming days as well, so stay tuned.
If you are not already a member of the Association, please sign up today, and let us know if you would like to volunteer your expertise.We are relying on the experience, needs, and wants or our membership to help drive our direction. We will post more updates in the coming months about what we're learning from you.